This Other Eden

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday, 23 May - First day at Tiger Bar

Today was my first day at tiger bar... reached the airport at 3pm and waited till 4.30pm before someone actually meet me to bring me inside the transit area... a totally paradise inside the transit area, completely different from outside... the floor was fully carpet and left and right was full of shops selling branded stuff, very tempting.... URGH....

when i reached the bar, first thing i was taught was to wash the cups, everything... then the senior made the singapore sling for a customer and i try the leftover, incredibly taste great...!!! initially was very boring, however i start to get the hang of it of the work and manage to do the basic requirement of the job... many more things to learn in the future, making of cocktails, making food etc... having some problem with the ang moh of ordering the drinks because i am not very sure about the name of the alcoholic drinks and eventually have to ask my senior to help... from 5 to 10pm was rather peaceful, very relaxing... however, a large group of ang mohs suddenly flock to the bar and we became very busy, often confused by the large orders... we initially thought that a customer left without paying, but he went to smoke and luckily the senior was aware of it... start to get very hungry and finally it time to go home, i rushed to popeye and bought the food and chiong back home... very very tired for my first day, next schedule work is on this coming sunday.. gotta go now, getting tired....

kelvin " should i still go for it?"

Posted by k€lvin at 9:48 AM