This Other Eden

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

FIRST blog of the year

Happy New Year everyone, it been close to a month since i last blogged, i can see my blog starting to rot, spiderweb forming around, cockroach running around... speaking of cockroach, i just killed a baby cockroach today, wonder will it appear in my dream saying " Y di ya Q mi, Y di ya Q mi, Y di ya Q mi, i gonna tell mai mummy ya Q mi!!!"

just wanna talk about 'The Golden Path" which i rated it as a 5 stars drama series. the ending ESP 30 was a spectacular one after i read the synopses from the 8days. Lin Fei(Felicia Chin) is pregnant with KaiJie(Tay PingHui)'s child. Kaijie tries to kill LinFei but failed after learning that she is pregnant. JinLong(Li NanXing) turns up and takes her away and is determined to question KaiJie for BakKuTeh Mei and find her. Unable to find out anything, he become very upset. LinFei tell JinLong that he could never beats KaiJie unless he is ruthless.

Kaijie set up a trapped to exchange LinFei for BakKuTeh Mei and caused JinLong to be seriously injured. Lin(JinLong's triad boss i think) takes him in and get KaiDa(Chew ChorMeng) to save him. fortunately, he survived the ordeal and prepare for his revenge against KaiJie. BakKuTeh Mei body was found and JinLong confronted KaiJie, KaiQi(Joanne Peh) and KaiDa managed to persuade him to let KaiJie off and KaiJie escaped to overseas. His corruption and the murdering of BakKuTeh Mei was discovered and a warrant arrest was issued to bring KaiJie to justice. But he was never caught :@ [the rest are all the boring parts, wonder if JinLong and LinFei will be together??]

Damned, i seriously pissed by someone in my class, he is damned @@@@ed up, he gave stupid information, asked crappy question, one of the question he asked " Is our national flower found in singapore?" O man, isn't it obvious??? who could want to name a flower as our national flower when it is not found in singapore??? i could stil remember he once asked me this question when we are having this problem statement ' Examine and describe the heat transfer processes that happen when heating up a liquid in a container and converting vapour to liquid using a condenser.' last year, he asked" does convection occurs inside a burning bunsen flame" O crap, may i know this what this QN got to do with the problem statement??? we are supposed to ask something related to the topics and not something not related to it. FINE if you ask something not related to the topic, but the worst thing is he ask question about the topic, BUT it is already presented in the slides. O common man, if you are not listening, just keep quiet la, diam diam you know??? don make a fool out of yourself... wake up la, just for the sick of getting A, you asked crappy question, waste everyone time. you want A izzit, nah, i give you A, A for absent, ok??? Idiot!!!!! luckily, i just need to endure another 2 weeks and goodbye to you

Posted by k€lvin at 7:03 AM