This Other Eden

Monday, September 8, 2008

Tuesday, 09 Sept - Facilitators

my faci for today sucks man, she damn boring man. she come to class, she just talk about the problem and kept quiet for a long time. it just the first week of school and how i going to endure for the next 15 weeks? can anyone tell me how? and i very pissed by one sentence she had said, "if you never finish your worksheet, no A for you"...wth, my other facis never force us to finish worksheet and she wanted us to finish it, she damn sucker...

then yesterday my faci was a guy but acted very gu niang, he was holding a antenna stick, the one that come from very old television or from old car, the way he holds the antenna is so gu niang, and the way he teaches is so sissy... but good thing about him is his teaching method is not so bad... but i hated him for asking my team question for every slide we present, and we spend a total of half an hour answering, and worst thing he ask me to skip a slide that i going to present which is very IMPORTANT!!!!! damn him...

by the way first week of school ended very soon, and tomorrow is a holiday!!! yeah!!!

awaiting for wednesday holiday!!! plus family bowling on this coming sunday...

Posted by k€lvin at 11:25 PM