This Other Eden

Friday, August 17, 2007

What a day.....

woot, the water is so freaking cold at night, thanks to the heavy shower in the morning. today is really a bad day for me at work, perhaps it's the month of hungry ghost....'they' are playing a trick on me... firstly, the photocopy machine 'ran out' of toner(some sort of powdered ink). then my manager told me that the toner is not actually place properly. so i took out and try to shake the toner. and guess what, the cap is not tightly cover and the ink spill all over the floor, including my shoes too. luckily my shoes was black, if not it could be very 'colourful' then a indian colleague walk over the 'black carpet'... LOL, can see his shoes print on the carpet. next, i need to search for some credit card application... for dont noe what reason, a stack of application containing the credit card application i needed went MIA... i went so much trouble to find out where they are and they just go MIA... so freaking piss offfff... :(

today is also Jacob's final and perhaps our last lesson with him. 16 weeks seems to have past in a split of seconds, from our quiet, shy and peaceful class to a noisy, funny and a very united class. out of our five facis, Jacob is the best, although he is very stingy with his grades.. next is Lishan, then Nanie, follow by Lynn and last Kong Bak Pao aka My kong who is the most stingy with his As... he everything hahahahahaha, ask him question also hahahahaha or he could reply back asking the question to you... haiz... we had a class photo with Jacob with some of the main stars missing... Ash, Hui Xian, Sharman, Felicia, Rushdy.......
our class environment, it look a hospital ward to me
three retarded student..guess who my facis???

our most formal wear of the day, y i look like so retarded???

Yawnnnn, it 12.15am... i' m very very very sleepy... gotta go off, still need to work tml.. nitez

Posted by k€lvin at 8:39 AM