This Other Eden

Monday, April 7, 2008

Year 2 First day of school

School reopen after two months break. this time my lesson start earlier by 30 mins at 8.30am. as usual, i meet my frenz at bus stop and took 168 to woodlands. smooth journey and warm because i was seating at the back of the bus, the area there start to get more and more warmer. however, the bus reach woodlands at 7.50am, a mere 40mins journey.

the rules start to get stricter, no more grace period, everyone has to be punctual, if not a deduction of 0.5 on daily grade. the first lesson was super cool, 'inside the A380'. the faci accidentally published the whole 16 lessons of problem statement, which was very interesting topics, from blackbox to concorde fire. the wireless connection sucks man, i was like in and out of the connection many times, which make me very fed up. even when the connection was successful, loading a page was hell, around 3 mins for a page to be fully loaded, even finding resources for today topic was impossible. but luckily my group member told me that i need to download the newer version of VPN to make the connection smoother. and because our group discussion and teamwork, we befriended each other, Lionel, Kai Xin, Jie Sheng and Zaini.

today lesson was more about the instrument in the cockpit of A380. didnt really know the complexity of the cockpit and the pilot had to remember. what we learnt today was just the tip of the iceberg. there has been so many changes in the cockpit as newer modern aircraft replace the older type aircraft. the newer version or so called the glass cockpit replace the older version which is full of gauges as compare to the glass cockpit which holds many LCD displays.

Oh shit, forget to do journal for today lesson, off i go........

kelvina is getting retarded.

Posted by k€lvin at 7:16 AM